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Category Archives: NaBloPoMo

A Celebration

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I believe it is a celebration deserving of fireworks, in fact!

It may not be the 4th of July, but don’t you suddenly feel free? NaBloPoMo is Britain and I have just dumped tea in the harbor!

Liberty declared

Here’s to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

See what I mean, it totally fits!

In the absence of creativity, an update

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My presentation went well today. I started out with a few videos, because – come on – who doesn’t like videos.

The first about diabetes technology (the professors had already briefed them about the types, etc)

Since they are training to be athletic trainers I then showed a few about athletes.

The first one about Ron Santos – who used to play for the Chicago Cubs.

Then ‘my favorite’ – the Gary Hall, Jr. interview with Mother Love. I even told the students about my crush 😉

The Gary video led nicely into talking about what happens to the body during the stress of exercise (he talks about how high his bg gets after a 21 second race).

The professor also wanted me to talk about identifying problems so I gave them some symptoms and what to do. How even if the person says they don’t want to test – make them – because their brain is not working.

It was a pretty decent presentation – but no one asked questions at the end which annoys me. The other thing that annoyed me was that they didn’t get any of my pop culture references. I felt old!!! (which is pretty odd at 26 – right?!)

I won’t even talk about how the professor asked them if they knew the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 at the beginning of the presentation and the results were AWFUL! Things like Type 1 is the mild kind when you just need pills and stuff and Type 2 is when it starts affecting your organs. It is a GOOD THING I was there!

Have a good night all. I’m off to think of something creative for tomorrow’s final post…

On the tip of my…

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November 28, 2007 - diabetes365 - day 51

I feel like I might have something creative to say but it just can’t get through the head congestion. I actually hope it will turn into an infection so that I can take something to get rid of it. How weird is that?!

It better clear up by tomorrow. I am presenting in an athletic training class about diabetes. They want me to talk about “how you control diabetes, and (if applicable) how it may impact decisions you make with regard to participating in sports or other activities. Also how would a student recognize if you are beginning to have a problem, how to recognize a serious problem, and what help you would need in each case.”

Input welcome!

I’m tired

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and my throat hurts and I can’t breath through the congestion.

This is definitely real people sick!

103 pictures

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I may or may not have taken 103 pictures during my four day Thanksgiving holiday. I may or may not be able to decide which ones to post here. Seriously, there are some really good ones. Like of the rose petals in the salad (3rd row, 2nd picture). Or my brother with his kids in Red Rock Canyon (most of second group). Or a Thomas brithday party for my nephew (2nd half of first set).

You can view the teeny-tiny previews below or click on either of them to be linked to the set in Flickr.

pics part 1
pics part 2