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The Days Grow Short When You Reach September

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Maybe it is the start of the new school year that got everyone writing, but this group of the Best of the ‘Betes Blogs is the best we have seen so far. There is a record number of blogs nominated by a record number of people. Please visit every blog listed in this post. They all deserve our attention, encouragement, and comments as they represent what is best about the diabetes community.

Best Use of Humor

Meri and her kids help us create a new word when we don’t see the number we expect on our meters – it’s shockaprising!

Best Vlog

Warning: When you click on this vlog, make sure you have some Kleenex. Nicole takes us on the emotional journey of her daughter’s doctor’s appointment and first A1c result since pumping. (p.s. Remember, we are more than our numbers)

Best Recipe

I stand by my verdict that there is no better recipe than the combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Scully further proves my point with her killer peanut butter chocolate fudge.

Best Use of Photography Pictures

So it isn’t technically a photograph, but Bob’s picture for Diabetes Art Day is an amazing representation of the burden of diabetes control.

Best Advocacy

Ableism is the discrimination against people with diabetes. In part one, C encourages us to use our voices to educate more and in part two she reminds us that we are all beautiful.

Best Story of a D Meet-up

It wasn’t a D meet-up in the traditional sense, but Susi R. found that when you need the community the amazing DOC is there for you.

Best non-D Related Post

I don’t know what to say. I wish Kelly never wrote this beautiful post about her mom.

Best Post by a Type 1

She has been using the terms for twenty-one years, but Jacquie feels like she only recently began learning the language.

Best Post by a Type 2

Guilt? Forgiveness? Brenda Bell writes about how we can try to find a balance.

Best Post by a Type Awesome

I am not sure how many fathers of children with diabetes are out there, but Scott writes an amazing description of what it feels like to carry the burden of his daughter’s numbers and Arden’s unprompted thoughts on the issue.

Best Post by a LADA/ Type 1.5/ Not otherwise specified

Has anyone ever said to you – well, at least it’s not cancer? For Babs, it is cancer.

Best Story of a D-mistake

It wasn’t the day the music died, but on Holly’s blog it was the day the DexCom died.

Best Motivational Post

It started with a tweet and turned into a blog post. Jess helps to show us the power of just five words.

Best Diabetes Art

Since September contained Diabetes Art Day, I thought for sure the Best Diabetes Art would be posted on that day but a different day brought out the best. Jeff’s poems on September 11th are beautiful and painful to read.


Thank you to those in the diabetes community who nominated posts this month including:
Dave (Sowerbee)
Bob Pedersen

According to the random number generator, Robbie (who is the parent of a child with diabetes and a “faithful blog reader”) has won the PAK BARA organizer. Additionally, I put the 14 categories listed above into the random number generator and Bob will also receive a free PAK BARA organizer. I will forward your information to PAK BARA so you both can pick your design. Congratulations!

There are only fourteen posts featured above, but THIRTY ONE blogs received nominations this month! Be sure to check out all of these great blogs too!
A Consequence of Hypoglycemia
Arden’s Day
Arnold and Me
Bab’s Blog
Brenda Bell on dlife
C’s Life With D
Canadian D-gal
Climbing Diabetes
DeeJay’s ‘Betes
Diabetically Speaking
Every Day Ups and Downs, A Diabetes Blog
Instructions Not Included
Jeff Mather’s Dispatches
Lisa From Scratch
Me and D
Moments of Wonderful
Our Diabetic Life
RFamHere’s Ramblings
Six Until Me
Strangely Diabetic
Sweet Success: My life with Type 2 Diabetes
T Minus Two
Tales of Rachel
Texting My Pancreas
The Tales of Princess Mikkimoto
The We CARA Lot Blog
Typical Type 1
Victoria Cumbow
with a side of insulin


If you are one of the Best ‘Betes Blogs for this month and would like to add a badge to your blog, you can find the information for the badge below.

Replace all [ ] with < >. [div align=”center”][a href=”; target=”_blank”][img src=””%5D%5B/a%5D%5B/div%5D

Can’t wait to see what you guys will find in October! Remember to continue to submit your nominations to


8 responses

  1. I’m completely shockaprised!! Thank you for the awesome award! I’ll wear my badge proudly!

    P.S. My little L is thrilled! Thank you for that too. 🙂

  2. Yay! I am trying to find places I can use shockaprised in my diabetes life too! It needs to make it in Kerri’s next ebook!

  3. I’m honored to be included with such a group! 🙂

  4. OMGosh I think I’m going to cry!! Seriously!! Thank you 🙂 I’m soooo surprised and honored…I never ever thought, WOW thank you!!

  5. Your vlog seriously made me get choked up! I was so excited with for the A1c with you, and I think my heart broke with your’s when you got the result. It was only a month. It will get better!

  6. An AWESOME representation of the BEST of the DOC Sara! Thanks for sharing…and Nicole’s VLOG was so touching. I will never forget it.

  7. Hey! thanks so much for including me and my fudge recipe! I hope people make it because its to die for!

  8. I’m honored to have been included in such a group & am so incredibly grateful to have had my mother’s love and support , and the love & support of the Diabetes On-Line community!
    Kelly K